Audit Director

In his professional career, he has more than 35 years of work experience in external audits, internal, advisory services, financial and consultancy to national and international level, developed during the 25 years in E&y Chile occupying the position of Audit Partner for more than 11 years in the Audit Division and in RSM Chile since 2012 as a Partner in the Audit Division and Partner Director of Human Resources.

Since 2019 is a Partner of Kreston ATC Chile. As a consultant to companies in the private sector, he has been involved in processes of external and internal Audits, Due Diligence, expert reports, fraud investigations, special jobs and advice to businesses in the entry to the Commission for the Financial Market (CMF), of the most different magnitude in the different economic sectors of our market, allowing you a broad experience. 

In his experience as an Audit Partner has been seeing clients relevant as: Unifrutti Traders, Viña Santa Rita, ENEL SA, Tricot SA, ABCDIN SA, Construmart SA, Dimacofi SA, Edelnor SA, Besalco SA, Enaex SA, AFP Habitat, CCAF Los Heroes Santiago Metro and Railway Company in the State among others. She has also worked in executive positions in the Audit of other large institutions such as Codelco-Chile, ENAP, Soquimich SA, Colbun SA, SigdoKoppers, Mapfre Group, State Bank of Chile Central Bank of Chile.

David is a certified Public Accountant and Auditor of the University of Santiago of Chile. Expert in International Financial reporting Standards – IFRS. It has also corresponded to participate as a speaker standing in various Seminars and Technical Courses to internal and external professionals.